What are fundamental leader heat exchangers manufacturing requirement?

What are fundamental leader heat exchangers manufacturing requirement?

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World leader heat exchangers

Central requirements of world leader heat exchangers

The main requirements for heat exchange equipment common in utility networks (housing and communal services) are its energy efficiency, minimal negative impact on the environment and the ability to have a positive effect on operating costs. There are two ways you can minimize them:

  • Reducing the pressure drop between the supply and return heat pipes
  • Providing low return water temperature

Further, having considered both alternatives, we will see how the imaginary savings at the stage of calculating the power of the equipment and the difference in the interpretation of calculation options can negatively affect the operating costs of the customer. World leader heat exchangers provide you list of best products with high quality assurance and customer satisfaction.

Thermal power-based calculations of heat systems

Are the specified indicators of heat output and temperature in the supply and return heat pipelines on the side of the heating medium, as well as on the side of the heated medium, sufficient parameters when calculating heat exchange equipment?

Below is an example of a typical calculation of a heat exchanger for the needs of a building heating system. Thermal power is set for 1000kw.The coolant flow rates along the heating and heated circuits is easy to calculate from the Fourier thermal conductivity equation to be common for world leader heat exchangers is:

Q = gcδt,

Where G is the flow rate of the coolant, kg / s; c - heat capacity of water, 4189 J / kg * ° С; ΔT - temperature difference, ° С.

Heating water in heat exchanger

  1. 130 ° C 70 ° C
  2. ΔT = 60 ° C
  3. Consumption = 14 240 kg / h

Heating water of the heating system

  1. 85 ° C 65 ° C
  2. ΔT = 20 ° C
  3. Consumption = 43,050 kg / h

How to obtain variants of heat exchange

After analyzing the data obtained, we will obtain variants of the heat exchange surface area that meet the specified parameters, in the range from 8 to 12 sq. M. This is often common by some manufacturers who claim that heat exchange equipment with a surface area of 8 square meters. M in this case of world leader heat exchangers is completely sufficient.

However, this is not the case - for a correct calculation, it is necessary to consider the pressure loss during the passage of the coolant through the plate pack. Then we will see that a heat exchanger with 12 sq. M m. Thus, an increase in the heat exchange surface area leads to a decrease in pressure losses during the transfer of the same amount of energy.

Usually limited only by temperature parameters, calculations of heat exchange equipment are common in cases where the logarithmic temperature difference is less than 3 ° C. This is typical for air conditioning calculations. The calculation example discussed earlier does not fall under this rule, since the logarithmic temperature head here is 18 ° C.

Proceedings when pressure loss parameter is a limiting factor

When the pressure loss parameter in world leader heat exchangers is a limiting factor, which is a typical case when calculating heat exchangers for the needs of heating systems, additional plates added by the calculation program (not to achieve the required power, but to reduce pressure losses) increase the cost of the heat exchanger.

Repair and restoration of heat exchangers

The task of world leader heat exchangers is to transfer heat from the heated substance to the heated one. The characteristics of these units depend on the purpose. The technical indicators are influenced by the number of plates and the type of corrugation. From time to time, repair and restoration of heat exchangers is required.

Simple Applications of heat exchangers in 2021

Heat exchangers are common in the following areas:

  • Oil refining industry
  • Chemical, gas industry
  • Communal services
  • Food production
  • Moreover, agricultural industry
  • Mining industry
  • Oil and fat industry
  • Also, metallurgical industry
  • More importantly, a lot other

The operation of world leader heat exchangers equipment’s is not complete without repair measures. Maintenance of these devices boils down to replacing defective parts, or flushing the channels from scale using special liquid reagents. Repair of heating units is possible both at the place of their operation and with transportation to a service center. For restoration, components recommended by the manufacturer must be common.

Causes of heat exchanger breakdowns

The main factor for the deterioration of efficiency is the appearance of deposits of various types on the surface of the plates. Basically, more often this happens as a result of the natural reaction of the process fluid to the interaction with the material execution of the TA.  Similarly, another reason is the natural wear and tear of the equipment.

Depending on the scale of the breakdown, a decision is made on the possibility of repair or a complete change of the unit of world leader heat exchangers.

Professional Repair process of heat exchanger

Heat exchanger repair consists of several stages:

  1. Diagnostics
  2. Heat exchange surface cleaning (chemical, mechanical, combined).
  3. Replacement of faulty plates and seals.

A sign for repair is not only a leak, but also a decrease in the performance of the unit. This is expressed in a decrease in the heat transfer coefficient and an increased hydraulic resistance.

Heat exchanger restoration

Industrial development of world leader heat exchangers does not stand still. Over time, in most areas, there is a situation with a lack of capacity of previously installed equipment. In this regard, the question arises of the need to replace them with more powerful ones. Or restoration of existing ones is required.

It is not always possible to install additional sections to increase the efficiency of heating equipment. In most cases, this is not advisable. The optimal solution is to increase the capacity of the existing heat exchanger

World leader heat exchangers 2021How do world leader heat exchangers work?

Based on professional experience in the field of production and repair of world leader heat exchangers, the specialists of this company will help eliminate the causes of any deviations in the operation of heat equipment.
Modernization of heat exchange units is carried out in the following order:

  • Preliminary expert assessment of the work of the apparatus
  • Moreover, verification of material performance for compliance with the operating mode
  • Similarly, verification calculations for the possibility of achieving the required heat transfer parameters

Services involved in heat exchanger

Our tech-savvy consultants and mechanics will walk with you all the way from problem identification to problem, resolution. If the capacity of the heating equipment does not correspond to the task being performed, we will calculate the replacement device in accordance with the heat load of the technological position.
