Printed circuit Heat Exchanger Supplier Outsourcing Guide

Printed circuit Heat Exchanger Supplier Outsourcing Guide

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What is printed circuit heat exchanger supplier?

printed circuit is performed using a special acid-resistant pumping unit. A special reagent is common for flushing, which effectively dissolves deposits on the printed circuit heat exchanger supplier. The pump inside the unit helps to create pressure, with the help of which the sludge separated from the plates flushes out.

6 stages of heat exchanger printed circuit

After flushing, the common flushing solution comes into the sewer. The final stage of flushing is the neutralization of residual acidity in the heat exchanger, final flushing of the system circuits with clean water.

How to increase the service life of heat exchangers?

To effectively cope with flushing with TO, you need to know the composition of the deposits. Inhibited phosphoric acid is common as a reagent for flushing printed circuit heat exchanger supplier for heating and hot water supply. It effectively copes with scale from hard water from heating networks.

Regular printed circuit allows you to increase the service life of heat exchangers, but also save on the purchase of components.

Furthermore, the printed circuit of the heat exchanger is easy to carry out in 6 stages.

Connection of the printed circuit heat exchanger supplier

To connect the unit to the heat exchanger, it is necessary to disconnect it from the system using shut-off valves and drain the coolant from the unit. The heat exchanger consists of 2 independent circuits; the unit connects alternately to each circuit using connecting fittings.

6 stages of heat exchanger printed circuit

Preparation of a chemical solution to remove deposits (dilution, heating)

To prepare the solution, you will need warm water at a temperature of 30-40 degrees and the reagent itself. Furthermore, typically, this is 1 share of reagent to 10 shares of water.

The liquid level in the pump tank must be within the "MIN" and "MAX" marks. If these marks are not on the tank, then fill the tank with water so that the pump housing of the installation.

Do not allow the unit pump to run dry

Generally, do not allow the unit pumps to run dry, because this will lead to its failure. Dry running is the operation of the pump without water. In the case of flushing the printed circuit heat exchanger supplier, this situation can occur if the volume of the flushed circuit is greater than the volume of the installation tank.

To determine the volume of solution that will require flushing the heat exchanger, it is better to know the volume of the heat exchanger and prepare a solution or warm water to add to the installation.
Printed circuit Heat Exchanger Supplier

printed circuit heat exchanger supplier required volume of flushing solution

If you could not determine the required volume of flushing solution, prepare warm water to add to the tank before starting the installation. Moreover, add it if you see that the liquid level in the tank is low (below the body of the internal pump).

And the circuit has not yet closed (the solution does not return to the tank from the return hose). Remember that adding a large volume of water will decrease the concentration of the reagent in the solution, so after adding water, remember to add reagent.

6 stages of heat exchanger printed circuit

When selecting a flushing unit, you can follow a simple rule. The volume of the pumping equipment tank should not be more than 3-5 times less than the volume of the printed circuit heat exchanger supplier. Also, In this case, flushing will be the most comfortable and convenient, and the pump performance will also be more optimal.

  1. Startup and operation of the installation.

After switching on the pump, the process of circulation of the reagent in the circuit of your heat exchanger begins. Also, Direct flushing of the cleaning system can take from 2 to 8 hours, the time depends on the volume of the heat exchanger and the degree of pollution.

required volume of flushing solution Important instructions

The pump must turn off every hour for 10-15 minutes according to the instructions to avoid its failure. If this is not done, the pump may overheat and fail.

During flushing, the direction of fluid flow must revers using manual or automatic reversal (depending on installation). Also, Switching is necessary not only to improve the flushing efficiency, but also to avoid the “airlock” effect. Furthermore, it is better to change the direction of the flow every 20 minutes.

Printed circuit heat exchanger supplier scale dissolution occurs


When cleaning deposits, scale dissolution occurs, accompanied by active release of gases. In this case, an "airlock" can form, which slows down or even completely interrupts the cleaning process.

By changing the direction of the flow of the cleaning agent, we can reverse the supply and return of the flushing solution, pumping out the "boiling" liquid and accumulated gases into the tank of the pumping unit, thereby eliminating the effect of the "airlock".

The descaling process is complete when all the conditions are met:

Bubbles stop appearing in the return hose of the unit (this means that the chemical reaction has ended)

The wash solution changes color (turns dark brown).

4. Draining and disposal of common flushing solution

To safely drain the solution into the sewer, it is necessary to eliminate the residual acidity in it.

Add a waste printed circuit heat exchanger supplier to the tank of the installation.
Printed circuit Heat Exchanger Supplier 2021

6 stages of heat exchanger printed circuit Recommended!

As a standard, you can use a concentration of 1/10.

Removal of residual acidity in the heat exchanger using a neutralizer

To remove the residues of the flushing solution from the printed circuit heat exchanger supplier plates, it is necessary to flush it with a neutralizer.

How often should we flush heat exchanger for printed circuit?

The answer is that it all depends on the degree of contamination of the coolant. According to experience, flushing of the TO for hot water supply must perform annually. The heating system of a residential building must produce once every 1-2 years.


Answer - if the printed circuit heat exchanger supplier not flushes, then over time it will cease to produce the specified parameters: to heat the coolant to the required temperature. The process of corrosion of the plates can also begin. Moreover, the last stage of corrosion is the appearance of holes in the plate, which lead to mixing of media in the heat exchanger and its failure.
